FIDIC 2017 – A Practical Legal Guide – Errata
Written by | Corbett Lawyers
May 28, 2021
Page Corrigenda
146 For provisions referring to sub-clause 3.7, see sub clauses 1.1.29, 1.1.57,
148 Clause 3 of the FIDIC Emerald Book 2019 …
348 Footnote 1: FIDIC’s Emerald Book 2019 …
353 Delete sentence ” There is a discussion under Sub-Clause 17.6 of its implications.”
364 It should be noted that sub-clause 1.15 of the Contract limits liability….
374 In the FIDIC 2017 suite, the Engineer must state only what is wrong, the relevant contractual clause, and by when it must be fixed; …
381 The right to terminate if the Contractor assigns or subcontracts the Contract without the Employer’s agreement, reflects the fact that this would be a breach of sub-clauses 1.7 [Assignment] or 4.4 [Subcontractors].
391 However, it is an important provision in light of the Court of Appeal decision in the Court of Appeal in Triple Point Technology v PTT.
398 Clause 15 of the FIDIC Emerald Book 2019 does not differ from clause 15 of the FIDIC Yellow Book 2017.
418 Clause 16 of the FIDIC Emerald Book 2019 does not differ from clause 16 of the FIDIC Yellow Book 2017.
525 Delete footnote 1.
544 It reasserts the non-mandatory nature of the dispute avoidance provisions in sub-clause 21.3.
577 Clause 21 of the FIDIC Emerald Book 2019 does not differ from clause 21 of the FIDIC Yellow Book 2017.
614 Notice 7. Notice should be given by Engineer (not Employer) – per commentary on pages 124-125. Copied to Employer (not Engineer).
615 Notice 8. Notice should be given by Engineer (not Employer)- per commentary on pages 124-125. Copied to Employer (not Engineer).
616 Notice 9. The origin of this notice should read 3.3 (not 3.4). The title of the sub-clause should read The Engineer’s Representative (not Delegation by the Engineer). The first line of the Notice should read ‘This Notice is made pursuant to Sub-Clause 3.3 [The Engineer’s Representative] of the General Conditions’.
624 Notice 21. Title should read Engineer (not Party) – per commentary on page 144.
624 Notice 22. Title should read Engineer (not Party).
625 Notice 23. Title should read Engineer (not Party) – per commentary on page 145.
628 Notice 27. Title should read Contractor (not Engineer).
Index FIDIC Emerald Book 2019
A PDF document can be found here: FIDIC 2017 – Errata – 2022